kashmir // independence crisis
what’s going on?
On August 5th, India’s government, led by Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made the unilateral decision to revoke the special autonomous status of Kashmir, a predominantly Muslim region between India and Pakistan
India sent thousands of troops to Kashmir and cut internet service and phone lines, creating an “information black hole” - NYT
why is this happening?
India and Pakistan have been fighting over the Kashmir region since 1947, when the countries gained independence from Britain
Both countries administer sections of the region, separated by the Line of Control - VICE
India and Pakistan have fought wars and clashed several times over the heavily militarized area
Article 370 gave Jammu and Kashmir a special status to have its own flag and make its own laws except those related to foreign affairs, defense, and communications
Conflict between India and Pakistan rose after the two countries clashed after a suicide bombing in Pulwama - NYT
Article 370 forbids Indians outside the state from “permanently settling, buying land, holding local government jobs and securing education scholarships” - al Jazeera
Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have Hindu nationalistic ideas and have talked about taking Kashmir for a while
Some say Modi wants to change the demographic of the predominantly Muslim region by having non-Kashmiris move there and buy land
Modi’s actions might also be a distraction from India's economy, which is currently facing an economic slowdown - BBC
what’s happening now?
Tens of thousands of Indian troops were deployed to Kashmir for military control
“A major Hindu pilgrimage was cancelled, schools and colleges were shut, tourists were ordered to leave, telephone and internet services were suspended and regional political leaders were placed under house arrest” - BBC
Many people are questioning the legality of the Indian government’s decision - changing Article 370 would normally require the agreement of the state government, but Jammu and Kashmir has not had a real government since June 2018 - VICE
If the revocation of Article 370 remains unchallenged, Kashmir will have to follow India’s constitution and will lose its rights to autonomy
The government is also talking about splitting the region into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, which will have less autonomy than states - BBC
Pakistan has said it will protect Kashmiris, but that could mean a threat of war between Pakistan and India - The Guardian
what can I do?
Change your profile picture to #RedForKashmir to show solidarity with people in Kashmir
Be vocal on your social media platforms about the independence crisis in Kashmir - use your voice!
Get in contact with your elected officials or the White House because a firm U.S. position on the issue could make a big difference
Sign the petition to the UN asking for human rights violations to be investigated
Sign the petition on the UN Kashmir Report
Sign the petition to the UK parliament asking for the UN resolution of self determination for the Kashmiri people
social media guide:
Hashtags to use/follow: #Article370, #StandWithKashmir, #RedForKashmir, #KashmirBleeds, #KashmirUnderThreat, #SaveKashmirSOS
Accounts to follow: @M_A_Thakur, @LostKashmirHist, @IbnKhayyam, @Kashmirology, @FKdotPK, @HerNameIs_Bea, @carin__fischer, @WKFMofficia,l @FreePressK, @pzfahad, @qazizaid89
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use this as your profile picture